Fashion that lets us Travel the World for FREE!
Posted on June 18 2018

When I first saw Earthscapes clothing, I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at. Abstract patterns danced and rippled throughout the fabric. The resolution was crystal clear. The deeper I looked, the more it boggled my mind. I knew that I was gazing at something familiar, something soothing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Suddenly I had the feeling that I was traveling somewhere. I could actually see the terrain. The sales person approached me, temporarily breaking my reverie, and asked, “What do you think you’re looking at with that Image?” I looked again, and it came to me in a flash. The Image reminded me of journeying high in the sky in an airplane gazing out the window and looking at the wonders of the world as they unfurled, like light through a lens, everything alive, vivid and vibrant. I was looking at patterns of our Earth: rivers, deltas, deserts and oceans. These incredible Images that beguiled my imagination were our world from above--a view that we rarely get to experience until we get perspective.
"At first our view was from ground level," the sales lady told me. “For thousands of years we’d walk this amazing planet, exploring by foot the mountains, the rivers. Then came cars, planes and now satellites. With satellites, we have the extraordinary ability to literally look back at ourselves and the environments that sustain us." Today, the profusion of satellite images gives us a clear, detailed look of our diverse planet as never before seen.
The saleswoman told me the Company Name is InVisions and the Collection is Earthscapes.
Printed with actual NASA Satellite images, Earthscapes Clothing invites people to gaze at these amazing views of our planet and be inspired and uplifted by the beauty of these environments. In this way, they hope to create a catalyst for awareness, dialogue and awe of the incredible wonders of our world.
Earthscapes Clothing is made in California, USA, supporting local businesses and people. They also strive to be good stewards of Mother Earth by cutting, printing and sewing each garment so that there is little to no environmental waste. The final cherry on top was the interactive hang tag on every item that, when scanned with a phone, allowed me to virtually Travel on a fun and educational adventure to the exact location on Google Maps where the Image originates. How cool is that?
I was sold! I bought a dress and a pair of leggings that I love. They are perfect for any occasion from a walk in nature to a night out. I also enjoy the great conversations I have every time someone compliments me. Which happens a lot! I am so happy I found InVisions. Now it’s your turn.